Dueling Nexus
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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions Empty Frequently Asked Questions

Post by Soaring__Sky Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:52 pm

**Q: Why was I kicked and/or muted? **
A: You probably broke a rule (#rules) or have done things to displease the staff.

**Q: Why is the server down?**
A: Check #server-status in order to stay updated with the status of the EU and American servers.

**Q: Why is Dueling Nexus buggy?**
A: Check #known-bugs first to see if the bug is listed there, if not report the bug in #bug-reports

**Q: When are cards updated on Nexus?**
A: Cards will be added once a month. Nexus finds it easier to add a batch of cards after he has finished programmed them, than adding a card here and there. If you are waiting for a certain card to be added then you'll have to be patient.
When cards are updated there will be an #announcements

**Q: Is "X" card in the Nexus?**
A: If it's not showing up in the deckbuilder when you type in the name, then it is either there under a translated OCG name or it's not there. To find the OCG name, check the Yugioh Wikia.

**Q: When is Dueling Nexus going to have the new banlist?**
A: Depending on when the banlist is released, it might take a day or a week. Just be patient.

**Q: Are the Staff the Developers of the Dueling Nexus?**
A: No. The Staff are just the Discord's Moderators. The Developer of the Nexus that shows up occasionally is Nexus, he has a special role, so you'll see when he's online.

**Q: Can I apply for a staff position?**
A: Sure, just ask a Level 1+ staff member to put you on the staff waiting list. We'll let you know if you get in.

**Q: Why do people have different username colours than me?**
A: You can check #server-guide for a complete list of the roles and their descriptions available.

**Q: How can I edit decks on iOS?**
A: Unfortunately you can't edit decks on iOS. This is due to the settings with the touch screen, as the long hold needed just brings up a menu. Same issue when side decking. Playing a game works fine.

**Q:Why can the Bot use Banned cards?**
A: The Bot just uses a simple deck with predictable strategies for the purpose of testing against, so it using banned cards is just to make it seem like a competent opponent. And in addition, the deck were made before certain banlists hit and they are too much work to maintain to keep the bot competent.

**Q: I am a contributor. What are the default sizes for the custom avatar and custom card sleeves?**
A: Avatars are 200px × 200px, while cards sleeves are a slightly narrower 137px × 200px. You can use Paint or any other photo editor to resize pictures.

**Q: "X" person is spamming in my duel chat , what should I do?**
A: Currently we have no solution for it except that you can host private duels where spammers can not enter and post the link in our dedicated channels #dnexus-game-links-mr4 and #dnexus-game-links-mr3 . Sorry for the inconvenience.

**Q: Why can't I cancel a normal summon?**
A: Because that'd basically be like saying "I summon (insert monster name here) in... never mind." It doesn't work in tournaments, and it doesn't work in the sim.

**Q: Why can't I cancel activating a GY effect?**
A: We are aware of the bug, and have mentioned it to the Dev. We have no idea when/if it will be fixed.

**Q: How do I join a Tournament / RLT hosted on Nexus?**
A: We use Challonge to host all of our tournaments and RLTs. You can register for a Challonge account with your email, Facebook, or Twitter. We will include Challonge links with every Tournament Announcement. Here's how you sign up for them once you have your account:
Frequently Asked Questions Test110
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Frequently Asked Questions Unknow10

**Q: How can I download my Deck as a .ydk file?**
A: @stealthAngel#2555 has developed an extension that allows you to do that. (Also works with Firefox on mobile, as they allow for Extensions) Here's the step by step guide:

1) Download TamperMonkey for your browsers.

- Chrome Add-on: <https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en>
- Firefox Add-on: <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/>
- Opera Add-on (beta): <https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/tampermonkey-beta/>

2) Go to this link and press "Install Script" (if the page defaults to German, you can press the button at the top to make it appear in English)

- <https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/37588-duelingnexus-com-mod>

3) The script will open in a new window through Tampermonkey. You can read over the script if you'd like. Once you're ready, press "Install".

Then you're done! You will now be able to download your Decks as .ydk files. This mod also adds game search filters in the Duel Links section. Enjoy!
Frequently Asked Questions Unknow11

**Q: Why does Droll & Lock Bird stop Danger!s from working when it was ruled that it doesn't do that?**
A: That ruling is not accepted by all and since konami has not made an official ruling it does not need to be followed, so Nexus uses what he believes to be the correct ruling

**Q: I lost my password. How can I recover it?**
A: Password recovery isn't set up. Therefore there is no reliable way to recover your password. Sorry

**Q: Can the devs reset my password for me?**
A: No. If you lost access to your account, you will have to make a new one, or keep trying different passwords until you get the right one. The devs have stated before they will not be resetting lost passwords for others.

**Q: Will Nexus add speed/turbo/duel link format/anime cards/manga cards?**
A: NO! Nexus has explicitly stated that the site will only be master rule style, aka the official main trading card game, this means no anime effects, or speed duels.

Posts : 14
Join date : 2019-03-02

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