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Yu-Gi-Oh! Unofficial Dictionary Project (work in progress)

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Unofficial Dictionary Project (work in progress) Empty Yu-Gi-Oh! Unofficial Dictionary Project (work in progress)

Post by Yubelious! Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:58 pm

A -
A, An determiner \ā,ə\ \an,ən\: Used to indicate membership of classification. Refers to a single card or player, unless "(s)" is used in the subject (such as "a card(s)"), in which case it refers to 1 or more cards or players at once being part of the classification.

After preposition \ˈaftər\:
  1. During the period of time following (an action or mechanic).
  2. A PSCT conjunctive. "...also, after that..." When used with "also", it changes the timing on the second action so that it follows subsequently to the first event.

Also adverb \ˈôlsō\:
  1. In addition to something mentioned previously.
  2. A PSCT conjunctive. The first and second actions happen simultaneously, each independent of the other.

And conjunction \and,(ə)n\:
  1. Used to connect words of the same clause that are to be taken jointly.
  2. A PSCT conjunctive. Actions on either side take place simultaneously. Each are dependent upon the other. (See "If" for exception.)

ATK abbreviation, noun \ə-ˈtak, ā- tē- kā\: Attack value, used for determining the amount of damage taken when involving a vertical monster(s).

Attack \ə-ˈtak\:
  1. verb During the Battle Phase, when a monster declares battle against an opponent or opponent's monster. When attacking another player, this is called "attacking directly".
  2. adjective "Attack Position". The vertical Battle Position. When battling, calculate with the ATK value.

B -
Banish verb \ˈba-nish\: Remove from play. Place the card(s) in question in a pile somewhere off the playmat.

Battle \ˈbadl, 'batl\
  1. verb: The action that takes place in the Battle Phase. A monster battles when it is attacked by an opponent's monster (regardless of its battle position), attacks an opponent's monster, or attacks the opponent directly.
  2. Battle Damage verb \ˈda-mij\: A form of damage taken or received when battling. (See "Attack", "Defense".)
  3. Battle Phase noun \fāz\: The optional fourth phase of the turn, when the battle takes place. You do not conduct your Battle Phase on the first turn. Follows MP1 and precedes MP2. (See "Phase".)
  4. Battle Position adjective \pəˈziSH(ə)n\: The way a Monster lays on the field. (See "Position", "Face".)
  5. Battle Step noun \step\: The part of the Battle Phase where attack declaration takes place.

Be verb \bē\: Assume the condition of something happening (to something).

Before adverb, conjunction, preposition \bəˈfôr\: During the period of time preceding (an action or mechanic).

By preposition \bī\: Used to identify (the means) through which (an indicated action) can or cannot occur, as specified. (See "Can", "Cannot".)

C -
Calculate verb \ˈkalkyəˌlāt, ˈkel-\: "damage calculation". Mathematically determine how much damage was taken from a battle. (See "Battle".)

Can verb \kan, kən\: The indicated (card, mechanic, or player) has the option to perform (the following action). (See "Cannot" for exception.)

Cannot contraction, verb \kəˈnät,ˈkanˌät\: The indicated (card, mechanic, or player) does not have the option to (perform the following action). (See "Can".)

Card noun \ˈkärd\: The main product the game is based around. A Monster, Spell, or Trap. (See "Monster", "Spell", "Trap".)

Condition noun \kən-ˈdi-shən\: A part of a card which describes a certain scenario that must be met before an effect can activate or apply, or a monster can be summoned. This is not treated as part of the effect. (See "Cost", "Effect".)

Control verb \kən-ˈtrōl\: A card on your side of the field is under your control. You make the decisions regarding the cards you control. A card changes control when it is given control to or taken control of by another player. However, when that card leaves the field, it returns to its owner.

Cost noun \ˈkȯst\: A part of a card which describes what must be paid when an effect is activated. This is not treated as part of the effect. (See "Condition", "Effect".)

D -
Damage noun \ˈda-mij\
  1. A reduction in Life Points, either by an effect that damages, known as "Effect Damage", or from the Damage Step of a battle, known as "Battle Damage".
  2. Damage Step \step\: The step of the Battle Phase when Battle Damage is calculated.

DEF abbreviation \dəˈfens,ˈdēˌfens, dē- ē- ef, dəf\: Defense value used for determining the amount of damage taken when involving a horizontal monster(s). Usually zero.

Defense noun \dəˈfens,ˈdēˌfens\: "Defense Position". The horizontal Battle Position. When battling, calculate with the DEF value, but you take no damage.

Destroy verb \di-ˈstrȯi, dē-\: To get rid of (a card), usually either by an effect that explicitly destroys, or from the damage step of a battle. A destroyed card goes to the GY.

Discard verb \dis-ˈkärd, ˈdis-ˌ\: To get rid of (a card from your hand), usually either by an effect or cost that explicitly discards, or by adjusting hand size during the End Phase. A discarded card goes to the GY.

Do verb \do͞o\: To achieve, complete, or perform (the specified action).

Down adverb \doun\: Toward the playmat, so the details (of a card) can't be seen. (See "Face".)

During preposition \ˈd(y)o͝oriNG\: At a particular point in the course of (a phase, step, and/or turn).

Draw \drô\:
  1. verb Adding a card from the top of your deck to your hand.
  2. noun "Draw Phase". The first phase of a turn, when the normal draw takes place.

E -
Effect noun \i-ˈfekt, e-, ē-, ə-\:
  1. A part of a card that describes what the card does.
  2. "Effect Damage"  A form of damage taken or received from a card effect. Sometimes simply called "damage", with implications that it's from an effect. (see "Damage".)

End \end\:
  1. verb To finish (a step, phase, or turn) and prepare to pass into the next one.
  2. noun "End Phase" The last phase of a turn.
  3. noun "End Step" The last step of the Battle Phase.

Equal adjective \ˈēkwəl\: Of the same amount.

Equip \i-ˈkwip\:
  1. verb To place a card in the Spell/Trap Card Zone that targets and applies an effect to (a monster).
  2. "Equip Spell" noun. A type of Spell Card with an equip symbol that is designed specifically to use the equip mechanic.

Excavate verb \ˈek-skə-ˌvāt\: Reveal a card(s) on the top of your deck, then apply a certain effect. Until that effect is applied, the excavated cards are still considered in your deck.

Except preposition \ikˈsept\: Aside from. Not these ones, or not this way.

Extra adjective \ˈekstrə\: A second deck, where special monsters are stored. These include "Fusion" Monsters, "Synchro" Monsters, "Xyz" Monsters, "Link" Monsters, and sometimes "Pendulum" Monsters.

F -
Face noun \fās\: The surface (of the card) that has the details on it, usually paired with the direction it looks. (See "Up", "Down".)

Field noun \ˈfēld\:
  1. Where the battle takes place. Each player's side of the field consists of 5 Main Monster Zones in the front row, 5 Spell/Trap Zones in the back row, a Field Zone above the Extra Deck, and 2 shared Extra Monster Zones between each player's side. Formerly, it also included 2 Pendulum Zones, but those have since been moved to the left-most and right-most Spell/Trap Zones.
  2. "Field Spell". A type of Spell Card that can only be placed in the Field Zone.
  3. "Field Zone". A zone above the Extra Deck. Only Field Spell Cards (and, in theory, Field Monster Cards and Field Trap Cards) can be placed in this zone.

From preposition \frəm\: Indicates the place at which a transition had or will be initiated.

Fusion noun \ˈfyo͞oZHən\:
  1. "Fusion Deck". An obsolete name for the other deck, that holds all the Fusion Monsters in it. It is now known as the Extra Deck, since it now contains more than just Fusion Monsters. (See "Extra Deck".)
  2. "Fusion Monster". A purple framed monster card from the Extra Deck that is typically Fusion Summoned.

G -
Graveyard noun \ˈgrāvˈyärd\: Discard pile usually located above the deck. Cards in the Graveyard are always face-up. Now abbreviated as "GY".

GY abbreviation, noun \ˈgrāvˈyärd\: Graveyard.

H -
High adjective \hī\:
  1. Higher than average.
  2. "Higher". More than the number provided. (See "Equal", "Lower".)

I -
If conjunction \if\:
  1. In the event that the indicated happens. Cannot miss the timing.
  2. A PSCT conjunctive. "...and if you do..." When used with "and", it changes the condition on the first action so it is independent of the second action. However, the second action is still dependent upon the first action. (See "And").

Inflict verb \inˈflikt\: To cause (a specified form of damage) to an opponent. (See "Damage".)

Involve verb \inˈvälv\: Use to indicate (the card) that is or will be included as a necessary part or result of (a previously mentioned mechanic).

In preposition \in\: Used to connect a (state of being or location) to (the card it refers to), or vice versa.

Is verb \iz\: Third person present form of "be", used to indicate something due to happen immediately.

It pronoun \it\:
  1. Used implicitly to identify (that which was recently mentioned or deemed easy to identify).
  2. "Its" determiner: Belonging to (that which was recently mentioned or deemed easy to identify).

J -

K -

L -
Life noun \līf\: "Life Points". Numeric point value used to represent the in-game stamina or life-force of a player. If a player loses all of their Life Points, they lose the Duel. Often abbreviated "LP".

Link noun \liNGk\:
  1. "Chain Link". A stack of card effects in queue to resolve. (See "Chain".)
  2. "Link Monster". A blue framed monster card from the Extra Deck that is typically Link Summoned.

Low adjective \lō\:
  1. Lower than average.
  2. "Lower". Less than the number provided. (See "Equal", "Higher".)

LP abbreviation, noun \līf points\: Life Points.

M -
Main \mān\:
  1. adjective Used to identify a primary (time or location) of critical importance to the functionality of the game.
  2. noun "Main Deck". A pile of (usually) 40-60 cards for drawing from located below your Graveyard.
  3. noun "Main Monster Zone". A zone in your front row designated for monsters from your Main Deck.
  4. noun "Main Phase". The third and fifth phase of a turn abbreviated MP1 and MP2, when the optional Normal Summon can take place. The mandatory first Main Phase follows the Standby Phase and precedes either the Battle Phase or the End Phase. The optional second Main Phase takes place between the Battle Phase and the End Phase.

Monster noun \ˈmänstər\: Colour-coded cards to be placed in the front row of your field used for battles.

Must verb \məst\: The indicated (card, mechanic, or player) needs to perform the following action, if possible.

N -
No determiner \nō\: Not any, zero. adverb \nō\ Not at all, not so.

Angelo wrote:Normal adjective \normahl\: a summon that can only be conducted once per turn and is simple. Level 1-4 (see “level”) monster can be summoned without tributes. 5-6 with just one tribute, and 7+ for 2 tributes.

O -
Once adverb \wəns\: The specified action can only be performed a single time per specified duration. (See "Twice", "Thrice".)

Opponent noun \əˈpōnənt\: The player opposite you, whom your goal is to attempt to defeat. (see "You".)

Or conjunction \ôr\: Used to connect words of the same clause that are to be taken alternatively, one but not the other.

Other adjective \ˈəT͟Hər\: Denoting a different or distinct card(s) from one the card(s) in question.

Own \ōn\:
  1. pronoun Used with a possessive to emphasize belonging or relation to the card in question.
  2. noun "Owner" The player who possessed the card at the beginning of the game, and to whom said card belongs.

P -
Angelo wrote:Pendulum noun \penjuluhm\: A monster that is both a spell (see “spell”) and a monster that can be summoned or placed on the pendulum zone (spell zone edges)

Per preposition \pər\: For each (provided unit).

Phase noun /fāz/: One of the seven distinct periods that make up a turn.

Pierce verb \ˈpirs\: If a monster in defense position is attacked and the ATK of the attacking monster is higher than the DEF of the defending monster, an attacking monster with this effect inflicts Battle Damage equal to the difference to the controller of the defending monster.

Position noun \pəˈziSH(ə)n\: The way a Monster lays on the field. There are 2 Battle Positions. (See "Attack" Position, "Defense" Position.)

Q -

R -
Reveal verb \ri-ˈvēl\: Show a card, then return it to its state prior to revealing.

Ritual \ˈriCH(əw)əl\:
  • "Ritual Monster" noun. A blue framed monster, typically Ritual Summoned with a Ritual Spell Card.
  • "Ritual Spell" noun. A Spell Card with a ritual symbol on it, used to Ritual Summon a Ritual Monster.

S -
Search verb \ˈsərch\: To look through a player's deck.

Select verb \səˈlek(t)\: (Obsolete, see "Target".)

Set \ˈset\:
  1. adjective A face-down (card).
  2. v The act of placing (a card) face-down.

Shuffle verb \ˈshə-fəl\: Any of several methods used to randomly mix cards so no one knows what order they are in.

Special adverb \ˈspeSH(ə)l\: "Special Summon". A type of Summon that can be performed an unlimited number of times per turn, through various summon conditions and effects. These include, but are not limited to "Ritual" Summon, "Fusion" Summon, "Synchro" Summon, "Xyz" Summon, "Pendulum" Summon, and "Link" Summon. (See "Summon".)

Spell noun \spel\: Green cards to be placed in the back row, and "Field" Spells, which go in the "Field" Zone.

Standby \ˈstan(d)ˌbī\: "Standby Phase". The second phase. Follows the Draw Phase and precedes the first Main Phase.

Summon verb \ˈsəmən\: The main method of moving a Monster Card(s) into a Monster Zone. Includes both "Normal" Summons and "Special" Summons.

Synchro noun \ˈsiNGkrō\: "Synchro Monster". A white framed monster from the Extra Deck that is typically Synchro Summoned using a Tuner Monster. (See "Tuner".)

T -
Take verb \tāk\: The indicated player receives a card or mechanic.

Target \ˈtärɡət\:

  1. verb To specifically designate a card (for an attack, cost, condition, or effect) but not the other cards. (Formerly, "Select".)
  2. noun The card that is being targeted (for an attack, cost, condition, or effect).

That determiner, pronoun \T͟Hat,T͟Hət\: Used to identify a specific other card, mechanic, or player, as indicated.

The determiner \T͟Hē,T͟Hə\: Used before a noun (or adjective that describes that noun) that determines a location, player, quality, time, or thing to indicate that it is either important or unique.

Their determiner \T͟Her\: Plural form of "Its", indicating a shared belonging to those cards or people which were recently mentioned or deemed easy to identify.

Them pronoun /T͟Hem,T͟Həm/: Objective plural form of "It", used implicitly to simultaneously refer the same action or state to multiple related things that were all previously mentioned or easily identified.

Then adverb \T͟Hen\: A PSCT conjunctive. The second event does not occur until after the first event has finished, and are not simultaneous. The second event is dependent upon the first event, but the first event is independent of the second event.

They pronoun \T͟Hā\: Subjective plural form of "It", used implicitly to simultaneously refer multiple related things to the same action or state that were all previously mentioned or easily identified.

This determiner, pronoun \T͟His\: Used to identify a specific proximal card, mechanic, or player, as indicated.

Those determiner, pronoun \T͟Hōz\: Plural form of "That", used to identify a specific group of other cards or mechanics, as indicated.

Thrice adverb \THrīs\: The specified action can only be performed three times per specified duration. (See "Once", "Twice".) In some instances, where context implies, the action can also be performed either zero times, a single time, or even two times. (See "Up to".)

To  preposition \to͞o,tə\: Used to identify the person or card affected.

Trap noun \trap\: Purple cards to be set in the back row and played later.

Tribute verb  \ˈtri-(ˌ)byüt, -byət\: Removing a monster from the field to perform a specific action, such as a summon. A tributed monster goes to the graveyard.

Twice adverb \twīs\: The specified action can only be performed two times per specified duration. (See "Once", "Thrice".) In some instances, where context implies, the action can also be performed either zero times or a single time. (See "Up to".)

U -
Up adverb \əp\:

  1. "Face-up". Looking away from the playmat, so the details can be seen.
  2. "Up to". Used to indicate that the following amount is the maximum, and that any number under is valid. (See "Twice", "Thrice".)

V -

W -
Was verb \wəz\: First and third person singular past of be.

When conjunction \(h)wen\: At the time that the specified action or mechanic occurs. The effect can miss timing if it is optional, but not if it's mandatory.

X -
Xyz noun \iksēz\: A black framed monster from the Extra Deck that is typically Xyz Summoned.

You determiner \yo͞o,yə\:
  • The current controller of the card in question.
  • "Your" \yôr,yo͝or\: Belonging to or in relation to you.

  1. listbuffer

Last edited by Yubelious! on Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:59 pm; edited 122 times in total

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Age : 32
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Unofficial Dictionary Project (work in progress) Empty Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Unofficial Dictionary Project (work in progress)

Post by Yubelious! Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:02 pm

This is an early version of a dictionary I started working on years ago, of terms a new player would find on the actual cards. Perhaps with the proper motivation, I can finish this.

Posts : 13
Join date : 2018-10-30
Age : 32
Location : Ontario

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